Parenting Styles and Their Connection to Different Forms of Aggressive Behaviorin Teenagers
parenting styles, aggressive behavior, adolescentsAbstract
The objective of this research was to relate parental parenting styles and types of aggressive behavior in adolescents from two public schools in the town of Quilmes. A study with a quantitative approach, correlational scope, cross-sectional was carried out
with a sample made up of 200 students (47% men and 53% women), with an average age of 14.5 years (Min=12 ; Max=17). The instruments administered were the Parental Socialization Styles Scale (ESPA 29) and the Violent Behavior Scale at School, in addition to a brief sociodemographic questionnaire. When analyzing the results obtained, regarding the parental socialization styles of the mother and father and the types of aggressive behavior of the adolescents, Spearman’s Rho
correlation coefficient presented, in the case of the mother, a significance of 0. 96 in overt aggression, which indicates that there is no significant relationship between the variables,and in the case of the father, a significance of 0.42 was obtained in overt aggression, which indicates the existence of a relationship. These results agree in turn when correlating the four parenting styles separately and aggressive behavior, since the mother’s predominant parenting style, Authorizing, is not related to the type of overt aggressive behavior (Sig.0.701 ), while the predominant parenting style in the father, Neglect, is related (Sig. 0.36),with which it can be concluded that adolescents raised under negative parenting styles,
such as the authoritarian style (which showed be related to overt aggression, with a Sig.of 0.24) and the negligent, will tend to behave aggressively, and that adolescents raised under the Authorizing parenting style have less aggressive behaviors
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