Positive Parenting and Parental Competencies in Primary Caregivers of primary caregivers of children from 0 to 3 years of age







Positive parenting comprises a group of actions that primary caregivers carry out in order to promote the integral development of children. Likewise, this includes the practical capacities approached through the concept of parental competences, within which is found on the one hand the training, referring to the socialization and learning of their children and on the other hand, the competences related to the promote a relationship
based on secure attachment, warmth and sensitivity. Third, protective capacities are expressed in actions that seek to guarantee the integral safety of infants and finally, reflective competencies, highlighting the metacognition and monitoring of caregivers on their
parental practices. The maintenance of positive parenting practices is considered to be a protective factor against adverse experiences, which is also of great relevance for the bio-psycho-social development of infants. Therefore, this study explored the relationship between Positive Parenting, parental competences (Positive Parenting Scale; EP2) and the
time available for caregivers to share spaces and carry out activities with their children between 0 and 3 years old, as well as its association with leisure moments. It has been found a positive association between positive parenting and a group of factors such as rest time, carrying out specific activities with children and leisure time for primary caregivers. This is of great relevance given the influence of parental practices on children’s
development, allowing the generation of interventions in the future, which could favour children and primary caregivers’ well-being


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How to Cite

Simaes, A. C. ., Gómez, F. N. ., Caccia, P. A. ., & Mancini, N. A. . (2021). Positive Parenting and Parental Competencies in Primary Caregivers of primary caregivers of children from 0 to 3 years of age. Psicología Del Desarrollo, 2, 37-48. https://doi.org/10.59471/psicologia20218