Attitudes toward sexuality and gender ideology among adolescents and adults inthe Buenos Aires area




attitude towards sexuality, gender ideology, adolescence, adulthood


The present investigation sought to account for the possible existence of significant associations between the variables Attitude towards Sexuality and Representations towards Gender Expression. In addition, possible differences between adolescence and adulthood were inquired about in this regard. It was a non-experimental design, with a quantitative
approach, descriptive-correlational scope and cross-sectional. Regarding the sample, it was made up of 246 subjects over 15 years of age, representing adolescence in an age range of 14 to 21 years or more (43.37%) and considering adulthood from 25 years to 64 (53 .62%),
from an intentional capture and for convenience. The Attitude Scale towards Sexuality(ATSS) (Diéguez Ruibal et al., 2005) was applied; a Male/Female Ideology Questionnaire(Soto Guzmán, 2017); and a sociodemographic questionnaire prepared ad-hoc for the purposes of the investigation. The results showed that there are significant differences in relation to the age of the participants, being that the adolescents perceived lower gender ideas together with a more liberal attitude towards attitudes related to sexuality
compared to adults. On the other hand, male people manifested more liberal attitudes than women in some dimensions of said variable. In turn, it was evidenced how nonbelievers have more liberal attitudes than believers in some dimensions, and in relation to
this, a significant association was found between religious practices with such attitudes.
Finally, it is concluded that a more representative sample should be considered, as well as longitudinal designs to better understand the relationship between these variables, as well as measurement instruments validated in Argentina


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How to Cite

Tundis, R. B., Múlgura, . T., & Ferrero, P. F. (2024). Attitudes toward sexuality and gender ideology among adolescents and adults inthe Buenos Aires area. Psicología Del Desarrollo, 5, 74-91.