Assessment of self-perceptions of personality personality characteristics in adolescencefrom the five-factor model

Adolescent personality from their own perception


  • Vanina I. Schmidt CONICET-Universidad de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Psicología. Buenos Aires. Argentina Author
  • Nora B. Leibovich Investigaciones de la Facultad de Psicología. Buenos Aires, Argentina Author





The objective of this study is to explore the usefulness, validity and reliability of the SelfPerception of the Adolescent Personality Characteristics scale (ACPA) based on the Five
Factors Model. A sociodemographic questionnaire, the ACPA and the Sensation Search
Scale (5th Version) were administered to 252 adolescents of both sexes (59% of women)
between 12 and 20 years (M = 15.22; SD = 1.50) of the City of Buenos Aires. Internal consistency, intersex differences and relationship with Sensation Seeking (SS) were investigated.
The ACPA scale shows adequate psychometric properties. The relationships found with
SS show its usefulness as an instrument for assessing the self-perceptions of personality
characteristics in adolescence


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How to Cite

Schmidt, V. I. ., & Leibovich, N. B. (2021). Assessment of self-perceptions of personality personality characteristics in adolescencefrom the five-factor model: Adolescent personality from their own perception. Psicología Del Desarrollo, 2, 16-36.