Relationships between parenting skills and temperament in children aged 3 to 7years.Parenting skills and child temperament






The main objective of the present work was to relate the infant temperament of children between 3 and 7 years old and the perceived parental competences of parents and / or guardians. The sample was obtained during October and November of the year 2020. It
was made up of 190 fathers, mothers and / or guardians, 172 women and 18 men, with an
average age of 32.80 years. The type of study was descriptive, correlational, with a nonexperimental and cross-sectional design. The instruments used were a sociodemographic questionnaire, a questionnaire on perceived parental competencies (parent’s version) and
the short questionnaire on child behavior (CBQ, very short version). The results showed an increase in school involvement, dedication and orientation, as the control effort grows, and a significant negative relationship between the control effort and the educational
level of the parents. In turn, an increase in shared leisure, dedication and orientation was
found as the number of times that parents go out per week with their children increases.
It is concluded that the competencies of the parents would be associated with some
temperamental styles of the infants


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How to Cite

Ledesma, S. E., & Gago Galvagno, L. G. . (2023). Relationships between parenting skills and temperament in children aged 3 to 7years.Parenting skills and child temperament. Psicología Del Desarrollo, 4, 1-14.