Anti-plagiarism policy

Anti-Plagiarism Policy
The journal implements a strict anti-plagiarism policy to detect and address any form of copying or misuse of outside material without proper attribution. Our anti-plagiarism policy is based on the following aspects:
1. Anti-plagiarism software:
- The journal uses the Turnitin similarity detection tool to analyze articles submitted by authors.
- Turnitin compares the text of the articles with an extensive database that includes academic publications, online documents and previously submitted papers, both nationally and internationally.
2. Maximum percentage of exact copy:
- A maximum percentage of exact copy of 30% is established for articles, excluding bibliographic references.
- This threshold is considered as an indicator of originality and avoids unauthorized reproduction of content from other sources.
3. Evaluation and reporting of results:
- Once the articles are analyzed by Turnitin, similarity reports are generated indicating the percentage of match detected.
- The editorial committee reviews the similarity reports and evaluates the results from a qualitative point of view.
- In the event that the maximum allowable exact copy threshold is exceeded, measures are taken to address the plagiarism and the corresponding author is informed.
4. Actions in case of plagiarism:
- If exact copying is detected in an article, the author is requested to make the necessary corrections and to properly cite the sources used.
- In serious cases of plagiarism or significant ethical violations, additional measures may be taken, such as rejection of the article or notification of the author's affiliated institution.
5. Confidentiality and Privacy:
- All similarity reports and any related information are handled confidentially and used only for evaluation and editorial decision-making purposes.
- Authors' privacy and the confidentiality of their work are respected at all times.