Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Statement of Ethics and Malpractice in Publishing
The journal is committed to follow rigorous ethical standards in all its editorial activities and to comply with the Guidelines proposed by COPE. Our ethical policy aims to ensure the integrity, transparency and quality of published research, thus promoting a responsible and ethical scientific community.
Below, we present our detailed Ethical Policy:
1. Responsible conduct of authors:
- Authors must ensure that their work is original and has not been previously published or under consideration for publication in another journal.
- The work and contributions of other researchers who have influenced the study should be properly cited.
- Authors should provide accurate and complete information on the methods and results of their research, avoiding manipulation or falsification of data.
- Authors should avoid plagiarism in all its forms, including literal or partial copying of previous work without due attribution.
2. Authorship and contributions:
- All authors must have made significant contributions to the work and must agree to be listed as authors.
- Authors should clearly disclose each author's contribution to the study and avoid the inclusion of persons who have not actively participated in the research.
- Any change in authorship after submission of the manuscript must have the consent of all authors involved.
3. Conflict of interest:
- According to the criteria of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), a conflict of interest is any personal, academic, political, economic, or commercial interest that may influence a biased evaluation of a publication proposal.
- Both authors and reviewers are encouraged to disclose any potential conflict of interest to the Editorial Board of the Journal. This communication is essential to ensure an impartial evaluation of scientific communications. The Editorial Committee will make the decision it deems most appropriate to avoid the presence of conflicts of interest at any stage of the editorial process.
- Authors must declare any conflict of interest that may influence the results or interpretation of their research.
- Reviewers and editors should refrain from evaluating or publishing papers in which they have relevant conflicts of interest.
4. Peer Review:
- All articles submitted to the journal will undergo a double-blind, unbiased and confidential peer review process.
- Reviewers must evaluate papers objectively and provide constructive and informed comments.
- Reviewers must maintain the confidentiality of the reviewed papers and not use the information obtained for their personal benefit.
5. Editorial Decisions:
- Editors will make fair decisions based on academic merit when evaluating papers.
- Editors should not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or institutional affiliation of authors.
- Editors should safeguard the confidentiality of reviewed papers and not disclose information about them except to reviewers and authors involved in the review process.
6. Process for identifying and handling allegations of research misconduct:
- The journal will take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers involving research misconduct, such as plagiarism, citation manipulation, and falsification/fabrication of data.
- In the event that a report of research misconduct is received, the journal will follow COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines or other recognized guidelines to investigate and appropriately address the report.
7. Publication Ethics:
- The journal is committed to promoting publication ethics and transparency in all its editorial processes.
- The journal will align itself with COPE guidelines ( in situations of change of authorship and contributions, handling of complaints and appeals, conflicts of interest, data sharing and reproducibility, ethical oversight, intellectual property, post-publication corrections, etc.