Need for Cognitive Closure, Political Conservatism, and Ambivalent Sexism in Adults from the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires




need for cognitive closure, political conservatism, ambivalent sexism, adults


This study examines the relationship between the Need for Cognitive Closure, Political Conservatism, and Ambivalent Sexism in adult citizens of the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires. The sample consisted of 193 adults aged between 20 and 65 years. The construct of cognitive closure need was assessed through the Revised Cognitive Closure Test, political conservatism was measured using items from the Short Authoritarianism Scale of Right-Wing Authoritarianism and the Social Dominance Orientation Scale. Additionally, the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory was employed for its homonymous construct, along with a sociodemographic questionnaire constructed ad hoc. The results revealed a significant relationship between the need for cognitive closure, political conservatism, and Ambivalent Sexism. Furthermore, it was found that adults with higher academic backgrounds appear less rigid with lower levels of sexist prejudice, and male adults tend to harbor more prejudices towards women.


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How to Cite

Dimitrijevits, B., Ferrero, P. F., & Jaume, L. C. (2024). Need for Cognitive Closure, Political Conservatism, and Ambivalent Sexism in Adults from the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires. Psicología Del Desarrollo, 1(5), 56–73.